Pricing Options

All prices are in USD



  1. Unlimited Access to the course until you achieve your desired score
  2. All Questions (All Sections) broken down into the detail you need to know
  3. Videos and notes to accompany each question
  4. Specific tactics and techniques to pass each question
  5. Examples of how to apply the tactics
  6. Templates for Speaking, Writing and Listening to help you apply the tactics
  7. A strategy for the overall section, including time spent on each question, and how important it is to the overall result, so you achieve the target score you want.

  8. Continuous Full Support until you achieve your desired score
  9. Unlimited email support, and get answers to your questions in a timely manner

  10. Track your progress and know when you are ready to take the exam with test assessments
  11. Real PTE exam questions
  12. Unlimited Homework feedback to make sure you are applying strategies and techniques in the right way 
  13. 10 BONUS example videos to help you get the exam right next time you take it.
  14. Money back guarantee*





  1. Unlimited Access to the course until you achieve your desired score
  2. 2 one-on-one sessions ( 1 hour each ) to help you with your final preparation before you take the exam
  3. All Questions (All Sections) broken down into the detail you need to know

  4. Videos and notes to accompany each question
  5. Specific tactics and techniques to pass each question
  6. Examples of how to apply the tactics
  7. Templates for Speaking, Writing and Listening to help you apply the tactics
  8. A strategy for the overall section, including time spent on each question, and how important it is to the overall result, so you achieve the target score you want.
  9. Continuous Full Support until you achieve your desired score
  10. Unlimited email support, and get answers to your questions in a timely manner
  11. Track your progress and know when you are ready to take the exam with test assessments
  12. Real PTE exam questions

  13. Unlimited Homework feedback to make sure you are applying strategies and techniques in the right way 

  14. 10 BONUS example videos to help you get the exam right next time you take it.

  15. Money back guarantee*



  1. Unlimited Access to the course until you achieve your desired score
  2. 5 one-on-one sessions ( 1 hour each ) to help you with your final preparation before you take the exam
  3. All Questions (All Sections) broken down into the detail you need to know
  4. Videos and notes to accompany each question
  5. Specific tactics and techniques to pass each question
  6. Examples of how to apply the tactics
  7. Templates for Speaking, Writing and Listening to help you apply the tactics
  8. A strategy for the overall section, including time spent on each question, and how important it is to the overall result, so you achieve the target score you want.

  9. Continuous Full Support until you achieve your desired score
  10. Unlimited email support, and get answers to your questions in a timely manner
  11. Track your progress and know when you are ready to take the exam with test assessments
  12. Real PTE exam questions
  13. Unlimited Homework feedback to make sure you are applying strategies and techniques in the right way 
  14. 10 BONUS example videos to help you get the exam right next time you take it.
  15. Money back guarantee*

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If you have any questions, please, feel free to contact me.

What You Will Learn From The Course

You will learn tips, tricks and strategies and most importantly, how to apply them when you sit your next PTE exam.


Ask questions and get feedback if you have difficulties to understand the content during your preparation. 

Proactive Productivity

Track your progress and check your understanding of each lesson by submitting assessments. 

Personal Approach

Individual approach for every single student, so you get the best experience during your journey. 


50% Complete

Two Step

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